Ramsviskslandet, Winter walk with magical light

Ramsvik 5.

After all the eating during Christmas and new promises with accompanying bubbly on New Year's Eve, it was time to get out into nature again. We went to Ramsvikslandet on January 3, 2021 to hike for a few hours on this sunny day.


The road to Ramsvik in Sotenäs municipality

We turned off at the Sotekanalen, which is located in Sotenäs municipality. From there it was then about a 10-15 minute drive on minor roads, and passage over the Sotenkanalen. Just the Sotenkanalen in itself is an experience, but we took a left there anyway to drive south to Haby. Once down at Haby, we parked the car and prepared for the hike.

Several choices of joints

From the parking lot, we followed the paved trail, which is well marked. We also had with us the map that we had obtained before. We chose to start by walking along the water, to the west, and then take the inland road on the way back. It was a fantastic day, with lots of sun and little wind. But, the air was cold and the mountains had a thin layer of ice, so it was slippery at times.

Ramsvik 4

The view is magnificent and you see Smögen to the south and Hunnebostrand to the north.

Northern alternative starting point for the hike

We have also chosen to start from the north side of Ramvikslandet, another time. That trip was also successful. All the trails are very well marked, but it can be hilly at times. But, that's what mountains tend to be. So, one can really recommend visiting this area, or island as it really is.

Ramsvik 2

Brilliant sun but happy underfoot

Since it was so slippery on the hills, my wife was glad to have chosen her Icebugg shoes that day. They have a special rubber that sticks very well on cold and icy mountains. Otherwise, we each had a small backpack and a warm jacket with us. No weirdness really.

Ramsvik 3

On the map you can see that there are many different tracks to follow. So, if you want to go out into the sea band in a simple way, Ramsvikslandet is a good option.

Read more: Destination Smögen

Read more: Destination Hunnebostrand


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