By visiting this website ( and its sub-domains, you accept our terms and conditions, which are presented below.


We have created this website to publish information about Bohuslän. The information is hopefully interesting for both people who visit Bohuslän temporarily, and people who live in Bohuslän and wish to get tips. The visitor can subscribe to our information letter also called newsletter. It contains news, information and possibly offers.

The terms and conditions apply to both the website and the inspiration letter.

Liability and disclaimer

What is published should only be seen as information and inspiration and should not be seen as prescription or other professional assessment of a subject. The content should not be seen as complete information to be used for the reader's decision, but it is up to the reader's own judgment and own risk to use information. The use of the website and the inspiration letter and the actions you perform based on the information are solely your responsibility as a user.

By accepting these terms, you agree to compensate bohuslanparla for all losses and damages caused to bohuslanparla by acting in violation of these terms.

bohuslanparla does not guarantee that the website is available, functional, secure, certain quality or the use in general. Nor the accuracy of the content that is published. bohuslansparla also does not provide any guarantees for the products and services mentioned in the content of the website and in the inspiration letter.

Bohuslansparla is not responsible for unauthorized access or for changes to material published on the website. Bohuslansparla is not responsible for criminal acts or acts that constitute an infringement of the rights of third parties, which occur through the use of

Bohuslansparla cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages that occur in connection with the use of the website and inspiration letter, or documents that are based on the website. The posts and information that are published may contain inaccuracies and/or information may have been omitted.

Privacy policy and cookies

You can read more about how we handle personal data and information and how we use cookies in the document about Privacy Policy.

Advertising, collaborations and ad links

Bohuswlansparla uses advertising links and corporate partnerships to finance the website. Through the possible compensation received, by you clicking on an advertisement link or paying for a product or service, we can keep the website updated and interesting to visit.

Advertisement links are marked with the text "advertisement link", "post contains advertisement link" or similar. We do this to clearly show that it is an advertisement link.

Bohuslansparla has no responsibility for any costs, losses or other consequences that may arise in connection with actions taken based on the content on the website, any parties or letters of inspiration.

More information about our advertising policy here.

Unauthorized use and rights

The website, its sub-domains and services are only for private use and must not be used in a way that bohuslanparla or others suffer damage or inconvenience.

You do not have the right to copy, change, publish, reproduce or forward information (works) that form part of the bohuslansparla website or its services.


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Also read our other terms and conditions

Advertising policy 

privacy policy

This website uses cookies. By continuing to use this page, you accept that we use cookies.  Learn more
