Policy on Advertising, advertising, sponsorship and other collaborations.

We want the information on our website to be free to read and to be delivered with good quality. This means that we have costs to be able to present this information. These include domain names, web hosting and other services and tools to create and maintain our website. We use different types of advertising to finance the website.

In the main, the advertising consists of advertisement links. It is often a link that the visitor clicks on to get to a landing page, with a product, services or the like, which means that we may receive a compensation for it. By counting Advertisement Link, we show that it is a link that can mean compensation for us. Links can also be found on banners or images. Direct collaborations with companies can also occur.

Although we use advertising links on our pages, our goal is that they should be relevant to the content around which they appear. We also have as a basic idea to offer only what we ourselves consider to be good products and services, or have our own experience with.

We link further to many different companies, services and products. We do not have the opportunity to test everyone. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the quality and take no responsibility for how well they work. If you feel that any product, service or company has not lived up to your expectations, it is fine to contact us, and we will consider removing that ad link from our pages.

If you want to be sure if we have tested a certain product or service, you can also contact us.

Advertising interest on our website

If you are interested in advertising on our website. Please contact us at kontakt@bohuslansparla.se

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