
The Bohuslan fan

Gothenburg concerts

GES konsert i Göteborg

Musical experiences in Gothenburg Gbg concerts Gothenburg has many music scenes. They are available both outdoors and indoors. My wife and I are not big consumers of concerts and musical performances. But, there have still been some concerts in the last few years.. Apart from the years 2020...


Heestrand beach walk Heestrand is a small place between Hamburgsund and Bovallstrand. The small community has a history of quarrying which can be seen in nature where remnants of quarried stone are found. Heestrand is also a passing passage, for boats, which…

Photo island

Fotö hamn

Swimming at Fotö What is more summer than swimming in the sea, one might ask. For those of us who live and grew up in Bohuslän, swimming is a natural part of summer activities. There have been many bathing opportunities at different…


Lobster fishing The west coast is often associated with pleasures such as the sea, boats and good fish. Fish also includes shellfish, which also includes lobster. Although I grew up on the west coast and consider myself well versed and experienced in eating fish…

Smögen hiking


Hiking in Smögen Smögen is a place that is always nice to visit regardless of the season. Of course, it is the summer that is most popular and there are many things going on to experience. But, since we partly live in northern Bohuslän (able to spend…

Night cinema Slottskogen

Bio i Slottskogen

Outdoor cinema in the summer night in Slottskogen A summer activity that is perhaps not as expected is the outdoor cinema. We did it one August evening in Slottskogen. We actually did it twice. The first time we did the luxury version, where we sat outdoors at the Villa restaurant…

Hike in Hunnebostrand art park

Konstverk i Hunnebostrand

Hike in Hunnebostrand art park Hunnebostrand, a typical fishing community that comes to mind when you think of Bohuslän. Boats, red boathouses and the salty water. The Lobster Academy has also chosen to locate its headquarters in Hunnebostrand. But there is…

Animal Island

Dyrön vandringsled

Beautiful hiking trails on Dyrön Hike on Stora Dyrön Stora Dyrön can be found in the area around Tjörn. It is a nice island to visit and this island also has hiking trails. We went there with our own boat a couple of years ago...

Hamburg Island


Hike on Hamburgö The ferry over to Hamburgö, from Hamburgsund. Hamburgö is a fantastic place to hike. It is not the largest island in the area, but it is a popular island, which also shows if you are interested…

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