The music story, Made in China, with Stefan Andersson, Kajskul 8 in Gothenburg

Pub show beyond the ordinary is the feeling you get when you sit in the audience for the show - Made in China 2.0, with Stefan Andersson. 

My friends and I visited Kajskjul 8 in Gothenburg in January 2023, and experienced a fantastic show, or rather a musical story about the time when Gothenburg became and was a great place for trade. Very entertaining with lessons from the 18th-19th century. Lots of laughter and a high mood in the air. Really recommended to experience. 

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Stefan Andersson has set up several different shows around this theme, around the periods of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries in the area around Gothenburg and Bohuslän. He is already a well-known singer, but this concept with a story about this time started with 90-klest at Marstrand. It is about a prisoner at Marstrand who was imprisoned at Carlsten's fortress. Stefan Andersson started these music shows back in 2008. Since then he has created several other shows. 

It is possible to buy tickets via Ticketmaster for this concert. But, also for the other concerts Stefan puts on during the year. An unforgettable musical experience is also the one at Marstrand, which is played during the summer. Go in and check if there are tickets, because it's very popular. 

Book tickets for summer 2023, at Marstrand for the performance "MARSTRAND PRISONER 90 KLIEST" here.

Read more about what I wrote about Marstrand here.


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