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Bohuslän is full of activities. Almost no matter what you want to do, you will find it somewhere in Bohuslän. This page shows some of the tips that we have developed and experienced ourselves. There are many articles to read on our website which we hope will give you inspiration.
Bohuslän has everything from quiet activities and discoveries, to more action-based activities. Regardless of whether you like to take it easy and just enjoy Bohuslän on a cafe chair or lying on a granite slab in one of the fishing communities on the west coast, you can find just your favorite place and activity.
If you want to be more active, there are great opportunities to, for example, rent boats and kayaks; or hop on one of the many ships that ply the Bohuslän coast. It is also popular to make use of the many hiking trails that stretch both in the forest and on bare rock faces.

There are many performances that take place throughout the year. Read about what is available in each city or community in Bohuslän. Also, that you can read about the concerts that we have visited ourselves. Go to our concert/event page here

After a day in the sun, it can be nice to experience good food and drink as well. We eat out at a restaurant now and then. Here you get information about what we think of them restaurants we visited.