Right of public access

västkusten allemansrätten

The public right, your rights

Sweden's nature is something special. It has most of the best. Those of you who spend time in Sweden have access to seas, lakes, forests and lots of other things, which are also available to the public. This openness is called the "public right". A system based on freedom under responsibility. Use and stay in Sweden's nature, without major restrictions, but do not abuse nature.

Here follows a brief account of what the right of access mainly contains. If you follow these points, you increase the chance of experiencing lots of fantastic moments, without doing wrong to nature or landowners.

1. Do not disturb or destroy

You have a lot of freedom in nature. But you must not disturb people or animals. You may also not destroy in nature or on other people's land.

2. Respect domestic peace.

Landowners should not feel that you are intruding. Respect their privacy.

3. You may fire under safe conditions

It's okay to make a fire in nature, but you need to make sure you have control over the fire. Own responsibility. If there is a fire ban in the area, it must be respected.

4. Stay overnight in the same place, but not too close to the landowner's plot.

Allemansrätten gives you the right to spend the night in land and nature, one night in the same place. But, that assumes it's not too close to the landowner's residence or plot.

5. Don't pick flowers and plants that are not listed

It is permitted to pick flowers, but not those that are exempted. Peaceful flowers are just that because they are endangered.

6. It is not permitted to cut down growing trees

If you need twigs and branches, you can pick them on the ground. However, you may not cut down trees to use for firewood, for example.

7. You can pick flowers, berries, mushrooms and dead branches.

Nature is full of berries and mushrooms. Pick it up for your own use. Also feel free to pick up branches that are on the ground.

8. Going ashore, swimming, anchoring temporarily with a boat is allowed, but not too close to the land owner's plot

If you want to stay with your boat temporarily to swim and rest, that is allowed. But, respect not to touch too close to the land owner's plot, the peace of the home.

9. There is a protection against birdlife that must be considered.

Birds and animals must be protected. You must not disturb birds' nests or nesting places.

10. If you wish to spend the night on a beach or jetty, first ask the landowner for permission.

Allemansrätten enables you to spend the night in nature on a nice beach or dock on a jetty. But, ask the landowner for permission first. Sometimes they want a small fee.

Dogs are okay in nature, but in the period from 1 March to 20 August the dog must be on a leash. Your dog must also be supervised.

Bring the dog with you. But, have control over it. During periods during the summer, the dog must be leashed.

It is not permitted to drive a car or motor vehicle in the crowd.

It is not permitted to drive in the crowd with motor vehicles. Because you can easily destroy valuable land.

Cycling is okay, but don't force plantings.

It is nice to cycle in nature. However, it is not permitted to drive out into fields and cornfields. Because it can destroy crops etc.

vandring i allemansrätten

For information

It is also important to be aware of

  • That hunting is not part of the right of all
  • That Fish is free to fish in the sea, during certain periods. Start April 1. But, in lakes, fishing licenses are usually valid.
  • That Fridlysning is found on some plants
  • That bird and seal protection must be respected
  • That certain areas of land have a protected nature. Nature reserve.

If you respect these above points, you can feel sure that you have not done anything wrong. If you want to read more about the public right, you can use the link to a magazine produced by Tanum municipality.  Nature guide

Get out into nature. Enjoy nature. Experience nature. But, use your common sense and consideration.


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