Sea fishing with mackerel on the hook


Going out to sea for sea fishing is an activity that is popular. Many people board a boat for a day to be transported to positions out at sea that have a good chance of catching. We also tested this one day.

We jumped on this ship early Saturday morning, the sun was out and we were full of anticipation of course.

This trip was not intended to take us to the far end of the ocean belt, but well out in the open sea. It wobbled a bit, but I myself like where it does. Other passengers didn't like it as much.

Soon the fishing was underway. The ship drove over different places where they knew the fish liked to be. Everyone got a lot of fish. Today's catch was mackerel in abundance. The trip lasted about 3 hours maybe. But, it was quite enough.


Clean mackerel

We kept the fish chilled with ice until we got home. Then it was time to fillet the mackerel. It felt good to stand outside and do this work, as they get a bit messy to filet.

Fried mackerel and fresh potatoes

Of course we had to eat this super fresh mackerel for dinner that day. We simply breaded it in flour and fried it in lots of butter. Fresh potatoes and some salad too.

It was a nice activity for a day. It's not something I want to do often, but of course the good taste of the fish is tempting.

See our excursions pages to find charter boats that arrange deep sea fishing. Go to the page through this link that we call Discover Bohuslän.


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